Title Cover, clipboard and coach's whistle

Why I'm Taking My Own Advice!


For weeks I've had my head down for hours creating  the Nonprofit Founders' Circle–-my new membership program. I’ve been fleshing out the first 12 months in advance because I want my members to have an amazing experience. I even invested in a course to learn how to build a membership program the right way!

Why Am I Telling You This?

Because I want you to know I’m taking my own advice! 

If you’ve seen the almost-daily quotes I’ve created for my company’s Facebook Page, you know I love Visionaries and the way they serve people in need. And in many of my posts, I encourage Visionaries to not just Dream, but to get to work on their Visions.

My Vision–one of them anyway–is to make a life-changing difference for new and aspiring nonprofit founders who are ready to change the world for Good. To do that, I have to invest time, energy, and resources to continue my own growth. Otherwise, I’d have nothing to offer. 

So that’s what I was doing today–working on MY Vision.

Taking my own advice.

Beware The Comfort Zone!

The thing is, having a Vision can be cozy and comforting. It makes us feel good, and it gives us something positive to look forward to. We share it with family and friends, and they encourage us with their head-swelling complements. Complements on our compassion and on the Change we INTEND to make in the world.

So we adore our Visions. We cling to them and recite them over and over, impressing the masses.

But getting to work on that Vision–bringing it to life–is another thing altogether! That path is not always cozy or comforting. Or even comfortable!

Sometimes it means giving up time we might prefer to use doing something else. Or it might mean asking for help, and if you’re like me, you’re not so good at that. It means moving into the unknown, and it means having the courage to take risks.

A lot of folks will spend the next 20 years Dreaming and talking about their Visions. But a few will get off the couch and put in the work to bring their Visions to life. These ChangeMakers are not about throwing something together just to say they started a nonprofit. They’ll put in the effort to build a solid organization and a program that changes lives. 

THESE are the people I want to work with! And they’re the ones I was working for today!

(Now, if you’re a couch-sitting Dreamer, I am NOT mad at you. We’re just on different paths right now.)

The Nonprofit Founders' Circle

Launching and leading a nonprofit is real work. It takes time, patience, and persistence–among other things. (And it’s not for everyone.)

If that's your Big Vision, I want to help ease your journey. I want to help you reach your goals faster and with less confusion and wasted effort. I want to be there as you start small, develop a track record, grow your organization, and create the Change you've been dreaming about. 

If you’re a new founder who is ready to establish the foundation for your nonprofit, I invite you to join the Nonprofit Founders' Circle. You'll have access to ongoing training, live coaching and co-working, and other resources for new nonprofit founders.

If you're still uncertain about starting a nonprofit, my free mini-class, Nonprofit Startup 101 might be just the ticket for you.  

Wherever you are in your journey, if starting a nonprofit if part of your Big Vision, I hope YOU’RE ready for it, and I’m here to help you change the world!
